Understanding Your Aging Mouth: A Guide For Seniors

Dentist Blog

Basic dental care doesn't change much with age, as you will still need to brush, floss and regularly visit a dentist for check-ups to boost your oral health. Unfortunately, there are bound to be changes to your aging mouth that may have you concerned. Read on to learn normal age-related oral changes and indicators of an underlying oral issue.

Oral changes to expect

As the natural aging process takes a toll on your oral well-being, you may experience certain normal changes to your teeth and gums.

Years of chewing and grinding can often cause teeth to wear out, causing small cavities to form around the root of your teeth. These cavities can often be fixed with simple tooth fillings, although any fillings you had installed at an early age should be regularly examined for cracking due to wear and tear.

Your gums may also recede over time, exposing your tooth roots which could increase your teeth's sensitivity to hot and cold.

Finally, your teeth may appear darker, as tooth dentin tends to attract more plaque and hold stains easier as you age. This can be improved by getting professional dental bleaching to get your pearly whites sparkly once more.

Proper oral hygiene and professional dental cleaning can help combat the effects of aging and keep your teeth and gums looking and working great for longer.

Cause for concern

Some dental changes are not inevitable results of aging and often indicate a dental problem.

Any bleeding around the gums during brushing is a cause for concern, usually indicating the onset of gum disease. This is caused by the buildup of plaque around the gums over time, resulting in bacterial attacks that can eventually cause tooth loss, arthritis and even heart disease. If you notice any such bleeding, visit your dentist immediately for gum disease treatment.

Tooth loss is also not a normal part of aging. With proper oral hygiene and regular professional dental cleaning, your teeth can last a lifetime. Loose teeth often indicate the presence of tooth cavities or advanced gingivitis.

Other common indicators of dental issues in seniors include mouth pain and dry mouth. Painful sores on the tongue, gums and cheeks should be examined by your dentist, as they could signal gum disease or even oral cancer. Reduced flow of saliva should also be treated, as it reduces the ability of the mouth to wash off food particles and neutralize acidic substances, often resulting in tooth decay.

For more information on gum disease and other concerning oral issues, talk to professionals from a company like Periodontal Specialists.


21 March 2016

Maximizing Your Smile Power

As a busy professional, my public appearance is very important to me. Networking with potential clients and business contacts is as much about the image you present as it is about what you do and what you know. I take care to look my best every day by taking special care with my hair, makeup, and clothes. But for a long time, I was embarrassed about my smile, and restricted myself to tight, closed mouth smiles to hide my yellowed, crooked teeth. Then I discovered what cosmetic dentistry could do for me. With the help of a great cosmetic dentist, I decided to have tooth whitening treatments and use corrective tooth straightening equipment. Now I have no problem flashing a big, white smile everywhere I go. You can do the same thing! Find out how cosmetic dentistry can maximize your smile power and improve your life.