
3 Ways To Have More Fun With Those Necessary Dental Services

Dentist Blog

Few would debate that dental appointments and dental work are less than fun. Checkups and treatments can take time, cause discomfort, and (in the case of orthodontic care) alter your look for extended periods of time. But you don't have to let these experiences get you down, nor should you put off the care you need. Here are three things you can do to add an element of fun to those necessary dental services.

30 April 2019

3 Simple Personal Improvements To Consider

Dentist Blog

A makeover is a great way to improve self-confidence, as the way you look can have a big impact on various areas of your life. For instance, it isn't uncommon for employers to base who they hire not only by skills but also by how someone looks during the interview. Appearance has to do with the style of clothes worn for the interview, personal hygiene, and personality. If you have no sense of style and believe it is holding you back in life, undergoing a makeover might be a good step to take to see if it brings any positive results.

1 April 2019

Having Anxiety? 3 Things To Do Before You Go To The Dentist

Dentist Blog

Going to the dentist makes a lot of people nervous. If you feel like you keep putting off having your teeth cleaned or examined because you're so nervous about going to the dentist, there are several things that you can do. Because the American Dental Association recommends that you get your teeth cleaned every six months, it's important that you try to push your fears aside somehow so that you avoid cavities and gum disease.

26 February 2019

Three Signs That One Of Your Fillings Has Come Loose

Dentist Blog

When you have a cavity and you visit the dentist so that he or she can fill the tooth, you'll generally have the filling for a long time and may quickly forget that you even have it. It's important, however, to always be able to identify the signs that you've lost a filling because if this issue takes place, you'll need to react quickly by calling your dentist and explaining the emergency.

5 February 2019

4 Reasons To Straighten Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

When people think of braces, they often think of teenagers. If you're an adult, you may think that you're too old to straighten your teeth, but that couldn't be further from the truth. No matter what age you are, realigning your teeth is still a great option. Here are four reasons you should straighten your teeth: 1. You can discreetly straighten your teeth. Many adults don't want to wear metal braces for the year or two it would take to treat their teeth misalignment.

6 January 2019

6 Tips To Recover From A Tooth Extraction

Dentist Blog

While it would be ideal if all permanent teeth lasted a lifetime, it doesn't always work out that way. Certain situations, such as an infected tooth or advanced gum disease, can warrant tooth removal. The good news is that the procedure is fairly routine and easy to recover from. Here are some tips to speed up the healing process. 1. Stick to Soft Foods  It's likely that your mouth will be sore for a couple of days after your tooth extraction.

5 December 2018

Dental Crown Aftercare: Important Dos And Don'ts

Dentist Blog

If you'll be getting a same day crown in the near future, you may be wondering what to expect in the days following the procedure. Fortunately, getting dental crowns placed is a relatively simple procedure that doesn't require much in the way of recovery. Still, there are some important aftercare tips to keep in mind for your comfort and for the longevity of your new crown. Use a Sensitive Toothpaste One of the most common "

4 November 2018

Why Do So Many Dental Offices Use Digital Radiology Now?

Dentist Blog

When you go in for check-ups at a dentist's office, you may periodically have x-rays taken. X-rays are vital to see early signs of decay, possible abscesses, impacted teeth, etc. In the past, many offices used traditional x-rays, where the processing was like photographs. Now, many offices use digital radiology technology. Besides being newer in the technology department, you may be wondering why digital x-rays are used more often. They Are Safer

8 October 2018

What You Should Do If You Have Dry Mouth

Dentist Blog

If you are one of the unfortunate people in the world that suffer from a chronic dry mouth, you know how frustrating and downright uncomfortable the condition can be. Dry mouth can occur for a variety of reasons. For example, dry mouth is a side effect of many different medications. What you may not know about dry mouth is what you can and should do about the condition. You should not just leave dry mouth unchecked.

4 September 2018

The Effects Of Not Replacing A Missing Tooth

Dentist Blog

Getting a tooth knocked out or extracted will leave you with a gap in your mouth. While you might not care a lot about the way it looks, you should care about the effects it will have on your oral health. Missing a tooth does not simply look bad, but it will actually lead to other types of problems. Here are three of the problems you should be aware of.

22 August 2018